Why Networking Is Important – and How Your Local Chamber of Commerce Can Help

Networking is critical to the success of any business and is the single most important marketing tactic when it comes to establishing a reputation and growing your business. 

Networking is all about making connections and building mutually benefitting relationships with other professionals, using those relationships to improve your business. By carefully building and developing your network, including the right people, you are able to expand your presence and reach in the business community and increase your influence. After all, we all know it’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know.

chamber of commerce

chamber of commerce

There is no shortage of advertisements in the world today, with everybody pressing to get their message out and get your attention. Personal relationships are what rise above all of the confusion and clutter created by sales pitches, special offers, promotions, and allow you to truly stand out in the crowd.

People want to do business with somebody they trust, and a personal relationship adds an element of trust and security to the situation that advertising and marketing techniques alone cannot provide. Carefully building your network is the most effective way to establish yourself in the business world, but aside from colleagues, competitors, vendors and service providers you work with regularly, how do you go about building an effective network?

How Your Local Chamber of Commerce Can Help

Every town or city has a local chamber of commerce that community business owners are welcome to participate in. This can be an excellent opportunity for you to get to know other like-minded professionals in your area, make others aware of who you are and what you do, and develop strong personal relationships, that are likely to lead to professional ones.

Benefits of becoming involved with your local chamber of commerce include:

  • Generating positive word of mouth for you and your business.
  • The opportunity to get to know the people behind the businesses, and, in turn, the opportunity to let people know the person behind your business.
  • A chance to find new vendors and service providers to do business will.
  • Potential opportunities for new business partnerships and joint ventures.

Involvement with the Chamber of Commerce is a great way to get in touch with the community, meet the minds behind the local businesses, and establish your place within the professional network.

Want to know more? Contact Acapella Technologies at (603) 647-1784 or send an email to [email protected].