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Given that October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, this is a key time to check your understanding about the most serious cybercrime threats..
It’s one of the most prevalent threats to US organizations…
Maybe you can accept that ransomware is real, but don’t believe it’s all that costly. You’d be wrong.
According to Beasley Breach Response’s 2019 noncompliance report…
How could it possibly cost so much? Just think for a second what it would be like if you couldn’t access your data. Technology is a such a crucial part of business today, that without it, you can’t do much of anything.
Definitely not.
That’s why you need our help. The Acapella Technologies team will minimize the threat ransomware can pose to you, and keep you from having to pay. In addition to a range of other managed IT services, our team will protect your organization’s network with robust security solutions. Anti-virus, anti-malware, firewalls, and emergency data backup will help to minimize threats against your staff and your student body.
If you’re not sure about how to ensure your protection against ransomware and other cybercrime threats, then don’t try “fake it ’till you make it”.
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