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Restoring normalcy and moving forward with remote-working strategies for the long-haul
In the face of uncertainty, many businesses have settled into a new normal and have found ways to maintain some form of company culture. However, many professional teams are still left with one lingering question – how will we unwind from this mess? How will business teams be able to restore some sense of normalcy to their operations as pandemic restrictions are slowly rolled-back and eventually lifted?
Our team of IT advisors hears from clients every day with questions about how to migrate their now-remote workforces back to some sort of normal day-to-day operations. The reality is, the plan for moving forward will vary greatly from business to business. Plans for moving forward will vary depending on how businesses have fared – both productively and financially – during this unexpected transition.
Some of our clients are wondering how they can make some of their remote migration strategies more permanent for the long haul. Others are wondering how they can get their teams back to pre-pandemic normalcy. Whether you’re hoping to get your team back in the office ASAP or you’ve noticed some business benefits of the remote migration, your best bet is to come up with a strategic and deliberate plan, at least for the coming months.
Many business leaders have seen the benefits of a remote workforce despite the chaos and uncertainty. Gartner recently released a study that found that 74% of CFOs are actively reviewing strategies for continuing with a certain degree of remote workforce operations, post-pandemic. The question for business leaders is, what percentage of operations can and should continue to occur remotely?
For some businesses, it might be 5 or 10 percent. For others, it might be much more. Only one thing is certain: developing a forwarding-thinking remote workforce strategy is at the top of the priority list for small and large business teams across the country. That’s why we’re recommending the same thing to each of our clients: it’s time to get a remote workforce plan on paper.
Here are some things to consider when developing a remote workforce plan for the long haul:
These are essential questions that must be carefully considered as part of your overall business IT strategy. However, many business leaders are feeling lost or overwhelmed in these uncertain times. That’s where we come in. Our team of strategic IT professionals has a finger on the pulse of business IT planning in this post-pandemic period.
For us, the top three questions business leaders should be considering are:
Our team of IT professionals at Acapella Technologies is ready to have a strategic planning discussion with you and your leadership team. If you’re looking to get a handle on post-pandemic business planning, give us a call at (603) 647-1784, send us an email at [email protected], or visit our website at to schedule a consultation. More than ever before, strategic IT planning will be a critical component of business success. Make sure you have a reliable and forward-thinking team of IT professionals in your corner to help you prepare for our uncertain future.