The Secret to Real Change in 2017

Getting Organized By Outsmarting Your Brain

Manchester NH Computer ServicesRight about now, many people are busy resolving to make this the best year ever. Some, however, think that New Year’s Resolutions are a lot of hot air. Most of the time, they are right.

Human beings often live on the island of Good Intention. We mean to lose weight, eat better, become better parents, etc. What happens? Life gets in the way.

For example, you resolve to eat right and exercise on January 1st. Then, the kids get sick and you need to take time off from work. You can’t get to the gym, and that frozen pizza is calling your name. A few days go by, and when the child’s fever lifts you look around and say, why bother? I am not cut out to be a lean, mean machine.

Establishing new habits can be extremely difficult. As humans, we are biologically trained to live in homeostasis. That is, our bodies are biologically resistant to change.

The good news? Through the science of neuroplasticity, we can train our brains to accept change.

Are you ready? Follow these 7 easy steps for real change in 2017. Start with an easy one!

  1. Focus on one aspect of your life you would like to change. Example: you know you don’t need all those clothes in your closet, but what if I “might” need them someday?
  2. Map out your steps. Turn all hangers around. 2. When you use the clothes, put the hanger back the “right” way to learn which clothes you use.
  3. Implement step one. Turn them!
  4. Analyze your progress. After two weeks, is your new habit starting to take root? Are you putting back the clothes with the hanger the “right” way?
  5. Adjust as required. Do you want all plastic hangers? Go get them and donate the rest!
  6. Analyze your progress. After one month, how many outfits have you really worn?
  7. Rinse and repeat. Every season, do this. You will de-clutter your closet, and when you donate to Goodwill, everyone wins.

One final tip: when you are undergoing this process, remember it’s not easy. When you want to let your steps to change slip, envision yourself when you have achieved your goal. For example, a larger goal could entail envisioning yourself giving speeches, writing that book, or winning the Pulitzer prize. When we keep our eye on the end result, we are far more willing to walk the bridge that will get us there.

Carol Williams coaches busy professionals to reach goals they may never have thought were attainable. Together, we tame the chaos and find time for the Strategic, and live a fulfilling life. Visit or call (603) 848.4732 to ask about having Carol speak to your team of leaders.