Why leaders need leadership training?

You are a leader. You may hold a titled leadership position, such as Supervisor, Manager, HR Director, or CEO. A leader has an entrepreneurial spirit and is a visionary. They are laser focused and do things with clarity.They have the mindset to get things done efficiently in a timely manner. They inspire and motivate others. Along with that title come many benefits such as social status, perks and a higher pay scale. It also comes with a higher level of responsibility. Being responsible for the wellbeing of the people who they are in charge of may be the most important part of a leader’s role. As the leader goes, so goes the entire organization.

It is well-known that poor management is the # 1 reason why people leave their jobs. Is it an agonizing decision but they feel like there is no other choice except to quit. Nobody really wants to quit.

Poor management has a crippling effect on employee morale and profitability. Challenging issues such as lack of support, poor communication skills, and lack of integrity, empathy or compassion contribute to unacceptable behavior. Bullying and abuse of power add to the damaging effects. Sadly, many leaders are unaware of these learned behaviors or choose to ignore them. It is also the root cause of a dysfunctional team. How would you ever know if your behavior was unprofessional unless someone pointed it out? Even if someone were to provide the feedback, are you open minded enough to receive it and act on it? Would you recognize the information as being unprofessional and detrimental to your organization?

I offer a challenging, experiential exercise to test your level of professionalism.

“The 7 Deadly Poisons” that choke the life out of a business. This is a brutally honest yet very fair self assessment as to where you stand as a leader. It is not about right or wrong or good or bad. It is about self awareness, professionalism and leadership.

The seven poisons are: Complaining, Criticizing and Condemning – Resentment, Resistance and revenge – Sarcasm

The awareness exercise is to abstain from complaining, criticizing or condemning for 90 days. To many, this sounds daunting with remarks like “No Way” “I can’t” or “I won’t make the 90 days I wouldn’t make the first hour”.  If you are really serious about your career as a leader then please bare with me. Over the next 90 days,  notice how challenging it is to abstain from the 3C’s. Notice your surroundings; notice how often you hear people complaining. Notice what that looks and sound like. How does it feel to be in the presence of complainers? Does it look professional? Do you want to look and sound that way?  You may want to clean up your act very quickly. While you are at it you might as well abstain from Sarcasm, for similar reasons.

Notice how often you participate in the 7 deadly poisons. Notice how often you allow yourself to get sucked in. It adds up quickly. While we are focusing on what we don’t want we are not focusing on what we do want. The things that are most important to us take a back burner. Why would anyone want to focus on what they don’t want? Why?

The solution begins at the top. Enroll in and provide a comprehensive Leadership Development Program that fosters an environment for personal growth where bold, ethical leaders emerge and are encouraged to step up with confidence, purpose and passion. Continued personal development helps people, at all levels, develop their leadership skills. Be the leader that inspires a high level of dedication.

Personal accountability, integrity and trust are the bedrock on which a successful organization is built. The success of a business starts with its leadership. An empowered well-cultured and supported management team is more likely to succeed and exceed goals. They are dedicated and enthusiastic to be a part of a great organization that cultivates a context for success. Continued personal development helps people, at all levels, develop their leadership skills.  They discover how empowering and influential it is when they step into leadership equipped with a connection to their higher selves. They are patient, more compassionate and have a better sense of well-being. They clearly understand the importance of core values and how it impacts their organization.

Implementation and follow-up are the means to a successful program. I encourage participation at all levels of management. The ripple effect is powerful and impacts an entire organization and beyond. Quality leadership is contagious and attracts more of the same. Participating in interactive and experiential leadership programs ensures a transformational experience that creates sustainable results.  Meaningful dialogue helps get to the root of the issues that tend to keep leaders from getting to the next level on their stairway to success. Through mindful communication, self awareness becomes unmistakable and life altering. Our society is in desperate wanting for bold, moral leadership. If we, as a society, want leaders that can be trusted then, first, we must be trustworthy. It all starts with us, you and me. Imagine yourself leading in such a way where everyone is committed to a common vision, where success is the paradigm.

“Clarity, focus, and intention fuel the mighty flames of burning desire.” Interactive and experiential methods of mentoring and coaching allow each individual to learn and evolve at their own pace in their own way. Clarity is having vision for the future, a primary trait of an entrepreneur. Focus is applying laser-like attention to achieving your objectives, leaving no stone unturned. Intention is applying your energy to clearly defined goals, create action and asking for what you want. The burning desire comes from within. We are all capable of achieving greatness. The law of attraction works best in this environment.  What you want, wants you.

John is an Entrepreneur, Executive Coach and Leadership Development Trainer. He has more than 30 years of leadership experience in business and production management. As a result of several years of leadership training with world-class mentors and coaches, John is committed to a lifetime of personal development and wish to share my wisdom and knowledge. “I am passionate about the work that I do.”


John Butruccio
CEO Success Paradigm